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It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.


{ Scott Belsky, co-founder of Behance }


Sleeves Up

Sleeves Up

"Sleeves Up" is a project of Touchpoints asbl that enables Luxembourg’s newcomers to transform their talents into a means of self-employment through training courses, individualized mentoring, and personalized follow-up. The project taps into Luxembourg’s myriad institutions, associations, and training programs to furnish them with the means to launch their own projects.


Tel: +352 20 20 22 80  | 



InfoSession are proposed in FR, EN and AR (with possible translations in other languages).

Training Workshops

Training workshops prepare participants for creating their own businesses. Though “Sleeves Up” provides its own approach, each participant learns to identify and integrate diverse resources already in place.

Individualized Coaching

Individualized mentoring and follow-up to help participants develop their ideas, overcome obstacles to implimentation, and obtain relevant assistance.

Project "Sleeves Up"

Sleeves Up Training Program

Initiation to entrepreneurship in Luxembourg


The program

> Preliminary Interviews
To help you find the best approach for your project.

> Five Workshop Sessions

From Mondays to Fridays (1 pm to 6.30 pm). Pre-register at

> Individualized Follow-up
Hands-on assistance with launching your project.



The first session is mandatory for continuation. 80% presence required.

Topics covered

  • Three-page business plan, business idea analyses and feasibility study

  • Finance, budget, and start-up costs

  • VAT, tax, and administrative procedures

  • Business pitch, marketing, and specialized language acquisition

  • Partners, resources and next steps

Completion of Sleeves Up Workshops also gives you free access to Sleeves Up Meet Up, a series of discussions with entrepreneurs around lunch meant to inform and inspire.

For more information and to register, contact or call +352 20 20 22 80

Be Informed!

Join our periodic SleevesUp program, a free one-week practical business course designed to give you the right tools for creating a three-page business plan and helping you implement your business ideas in Luxembourg.

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Touchpoints is a non-profit organization that creates meeting points between local people and immigrant populations in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in order to promote integration over the long term. Through its activities, Touchpoints encourages acceptance of cultural diversity and stems the emergence of parallel societies.

For more information >


When everything seems to be going against

you, remember that the airplane takes

off against the wind, not with it.


{ Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company }

— Richard Branson

You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.

Supported by
Andre Losch.png
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